Monday, December 22, 2014

The Christmas Waltz

"It's that time of year
When the world falls in love
Every song you hear seems to say
"Merry Christmas
May your new year's dreams come true"
  -The Christmas Waltz

I love getting in the spirit of Christmas, above is an excerpt from one of my favorite Christmas songs, The Christmas Waltz. She and Him did a cover of it a couple years back, check it out, it's wonderful. December has been quite a busy month, filled with decorating, tamale making, holiday parties and shopping! Below are photos of the outfit I wore to the Winter Party I hosted and photos from when I went Christmas tree scouting. Due to lack of time I thought I would combine both into one Christmas filled post! Hope you enjoy. Happy Holidays everyone!
Photos by Myself and Lya Dominick


  1. Dress and nails are great! Merry Christmas!

  2. Question...I am getting a gym membership for xmas. What works for workout gear. Any store suggestions for curvy women?

    1. I buy a lot of my work out gear from target and old navy. Its pretty good quality and affordable for starting out. Once you find your grove and what your are more comfortable working out in you can splurge for the good stuff.
      I usually keep it simple in a tshirt and leggings!
